Optimization versus Transformation

Optimization versus Transformation

What is Optimization versus Transformation? There are a lot of programs out there and a lot of talk about transformation and enlightenment by people that claim they can help you transform and become enlightened. But what do those words truly mean? Most people define...
Lessons from the Cranes

Lessons from the Cranes

Photo via Good Free PhotosLessons from the Cranes   By Susan Bennett Fisher, May 14, 2023 Sitting in my hot tub this mother’s day after an amazing healing massage I spied a community of cranes. Together they had found a thermal updraft and were circling high into...
Activating the other 8 Natural Numbers

Activating the other 8 Natural Numbers

Learning to Activate Another Natural Number The Challenge With awareness and practice, we can also learn to activate the other eight Natural Numbers’ regions fo our bodies.  This involves learning how to use a different part of your body to lead your movement....

Drew – Natural Number 1

Drew’s Story Natural Number 1 It was the beginning of Burning Man, an annual festival held in the Mojave desert, and Drew Thompson had a goal. Though he’d been to the festival before, he’d had yet to engage with the more spiritual community and experience what...