The Importance of Hugging

Understanding Hugging

In this time of post-pandemic one of the primary things that people have been missing is the comfort of human contact, and in particular hugging! Hugging provides reassurance, connection, acknowledgment and affection all in a simple act. If I am willing to hug you I am offering myself vulnerably up to you. This impacts us both in a positive and affirming way.

However, not everyone hugs the same way and not every hug means the same thing. In our research in to the nine physiologically different kinds of people, that we call Body of 9, we have learned that people that share Natural Numbers (we call each body type your Natural Number) tend to hug in a similar fashion, and have a similar perspective around hugging. For example, people with Natural Number 1 tend to wrap their throat around others’ necks, when they feel safe enough with the person, the hug is open, honoring, gentle and vulnerable. People with Natural Number 6 offer strong and powerful chest hugs that are reassuring and comforting. Natural Number 2s hug you however you hug them!


Some Natural Numbers are less comfortable with hugging, Natural Numbers 5 and 8 in particular, will rarely hug unless they are very comfortable with you. Natural Number 5s often try hugging at arms length – avoiding the full body contact. Natural Number 8s give gentle and respectful hugs, that are very tuned into the body of the person receiving the hug.

People of each of the nine different body-types hug in different ways, and their hugs communicate different things, about themselves, and about their comfort level with you. Learning about how people hug, and what it means to them can be very eye opening.

Understanding how the different body types hug can also help you to hug appropriately. Hugging needs to be done respectfully and with permission. It is important to ask, and respect the answer you get, without judging or pressuring a person (especially a child.) Hugging is a very vulnerable act, when we hug we allow people into our personal field of energy, this enables them to feel where we are and what is going on with us. If you remember that the person you want to hug is different than you, then you can accept the style and response to hugging without making it about you. When you offer freely and hug in your way, you also acknowledge and share the gift of who you are at a very fundamental level. The open and vulnerable gift you offer in a hug can change the direction of a person’s day, and perhaps even their life.

Start paying attention to how people hug – it can teach you a lot about them!


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Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Oscar Predictions for Biopics

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