Martin R. Fisher – Body of 9 Co-Founder

Martin Fisher, Natural Number 5
Martin Fisher developed the website in 2012 to consolidate information about the Body of 9 and to explore the relationships between systems and how they are represented in the world. Since then, with his wife Susan Bennett Fisher, he has co-founded Body of 9 Inc, a non-profit dedicated to the advancement of the understanding of Body of 9 in the world. This site has become the repository for what Susan and Martin Fisher have learned researching the Body of 9.
Martin provides a big-picture of the overall body of knowledge and sheds greater understanding on the presence and impact of the Body of 9. His goals for this site are:
- to provide a forum for people to discover what is known about the Body of 9 and our Physio-Spiritual Nature.
- to explore the relationships between different identification systems, meta-physical energy modalities and other bodies of knowledge and the Body of 9.
- to help expand our consciousness around our collective knowledge and understanding of the human experience.
- to continue to take in and communicate new information to widen our awareness and expand our belief systems.
Martin Fisher’s Background
Martin has been building his map of human knowledge since he first learned to read. In his youth he explored his intellectual capacity and growth through classic learning models. Born in the United Kingdom, raised in Thorpe Bay, he attended University of Manchester, obtaining a degree in Computation. Martin has a strong Technical and Managerial/Business background, having worked at Oracle from 1985-89 and Yahoo from 1996-2000 as well as running his own Consultancy firm since 2010. These experiences readied him to build the organization of Body of 9 to introduce this information on a worldwide basis.
His fascination with flying, also from an early age, led him to the United State to learn how to fly. He took advantage of his time at Yahoo to become a jet pilot and went on to work as a commercial pilot for Pacific Jet. His experience as a commercial pilot helped him to appreciate both the importance of solid technical knowledge combined with a greater awareness of our spiritual nature. His time in the sky simultaneously heightened his awareness of human knowledge, the beauty of nature, and the spiritual connections of all things. This lead him to begin to explore his spiritual nature more deeply.
Martin Fisher and Body of 9
In finding out his Natural Number from Susan Bennett Fisher in 2007, he began to understand that part of his role was to help others understand that we are both physical and spiritual beings and when we learn to allow all parts of our being to guide our life, we live more richly and authentically.
Here is the video of Martin Fisher’s Identification – it is quite a special moment as it captures the power of the experience, you can see the transformation in Martin as he becomes aware of this power within, consciously for the first time in his life. This is also the moment that permanently connected Susan and Martin.
Understanding his gift of Natural Number 5, and learning the impact and importance of the other eight Natural Numbers allowed Martin to experience true and deep connection for the first time in his life. Adding the understanding of the importance of connection and community broadened his awareness, ability and desire to be in relationship. Now, using his extensive bank of knowledge and experience, combined with community and connection, Martin is working with Susan Bennett Fisher, to create and grow Body of 9.
Susan and Martin Fisher attended Burning Man in 2012 and subsequently in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017 where they honed their physical identification process with over 3000 participants, sometimes with over 100 people per day. This was the main research ground for 1) their understanding of the specificity of the 9 human physiologies, 2) how to succinctly describe each of the Natural Numbers, 3) how to understand and describe the relationships between the Natural Numbers. This is also where Martin discovered his calling for this work. Upon returning from their first Burning Man Body of 9 was created.
Believing in the Magic
Martin has always trusted the Universe, it’s constant voice guiding us, if only we were able to hear it. The beauty of Burning Martin for Martin was the ability to hear more clearly, and every adventure there helped him grow the Entity that is Martin Fisher along a rewarding path. He rediscovered his Magic. That set of gifts that live in the “Don’t disbelieve” place of our hearts. He has been able to experience an ability to know how to help others, in ways un-believable to many.
It is only with the support of that higher knowing that Martin has been able to become the Protector, Healer and Discoverer he has become.
University of Manchester, UK. B.Sc. (2nd Hons) Computation, 1977-1980.
Learn More about Martin Fisher
Experience Martin, his 5ness, and learn more about him in this Path To Wholeness Interview