Fundamentals of Activation

A 2-Day In-Person Intensive

Change your life!

Learn how to activate the Nine Natural Numbers in your body

Fundamentals of Activation is designed to give you the experience of how to consciously activate all nine Natural Numbers in your body. This is life changing work – you will expand your perceptive abilities beyond your current level opening you up to information that was hidden to you before.  You will receive exercises to practice upon your return so that you can continue to develop your abilities.  This is a highly physical workshop that will change how you look at and experience yourself and others. 

This workshop is one of two choices that will qualify you to become a Practicing Partner.

Fundamentals of Activation:

We don’t have any workshops planned right now, stay tuned!

This program is one of two pre-requisites to choose from that will qualify you to join our Practicing Partner Program. If you have already joined our Practicing Partner Program please navigate to your Body of 9 Dashboard to register for any programs- they will show in your list of options on your dashboard.

The workshop will be held in Bozeman MT unless otherwise noted.

Participants will qualify for Montana CEUs or ICF CCEs  – if you express interest when you register we will contact you about this directly.

“I went to Montana and spent the week with them activating all this in my body.
I came home and had the 2nd best month ever in our business. Fun with my boys. And the deepest connection with Derek, my husband.  This is life-changing in the most amazing ways!” 

-Adrianna, Natural Number 7

“I am doing this work to learn how I can help everyone to be happy. I can honestly say learning and doing it has changed my life.”

-Sophia, Natural Number 7

Sophia doing Natural Number One

Body of 9 Co-Founder
Susan Bennett Fisher 

In starting her coaching, leadership and relationship training Susan hit up against the wall that many practitioners encounter.  “I was having trouble starting new coaching relationships and also having trouble differentiating myself from other trained coaches.  As part of my Leadership training I was introduced to what has become Body of 9.  Learning my Natural Number explained everything I loved about myself, that no one else seemed to understand and it started an evolutionary journey that I am still on today. The power and importance of this understanding landed in my body and the calling to be a teacher, speaker, leader of Body of 9 was born. Now I love meeting new people and creating powerful transformative relationships!” 

Susan Bennett Fisher

Join us and learn how to activate the Nine Natural Numbers in your body!