Create a life-changing event for your group!

Imagine understanding each individual in your group in a way that maximizes their natural strengths and the gifts they bring to the group dynamic. 

With the tools of Body of 9 you will have the benefit of better communication and deeper connection of your members which helps to prevent and resolve conflicts, challenges, and obstacles you face.

What does the Group/ Private Event Include? 

      Identifying the Natural Number of each participant, allowing them to be honored for their wisdom, and to know their core natural purpose.

      Giving each participant a simple physical adjustment to activate their Natural Number enabling them to function more authentically, and recover quickly.

      Helping each group member understand their own and the other group member's communication style and needs. 

      Helping each group member understand how they fit into the whole, as well as how the other members fit together in the group as well. 

      Everyone has a Natural Number

      No matter where you come from, what your race, culture or ethnicity are, and how you have been nurtured, your body is activated in one of nine regions that shapes how you experience almost every aspect of your being. 

      Please provide us with more information concerning the type of program you would like to schedule!