Ready to Accelerate Your Impact?

Claim your seat to 
“Accelerate Your Impact” and learn how…

To connect quickly, deeply and authentically in each interaction with your clients

To meet your client’s needs with laser-precision because you know yourself and your client

To take your client on an evolutionary journey

Body of 9 expands your perceptive abilities as an individual and as a coach or holistic practitioner.

This translates to quicker initial connections–making it easier and more efficient to find people and to offer powerful transformational interaction. This knowledge makes it easier to keep your clients and charge higher rates.

Accelerate Your Impact Class

Register to Attend

Accelerate Your Impact

Online Instructive Class

October 8th
from 7:00am – 10:00 am MDT held on Zoom

Claim your seat, a $95 investment!

3 hours ICF CCEs or Montana CEUs are available!

Haven’t been identified yet?

The process starts with a body-based assessment getting your own Natural Number identified in a zoom session.  Once identified we will reveal the core aspects of your nature and give you a simple physical exercise that you can use to reconnect with your power to coach from your most insightful place.

Get 10% off an identification session when you register for an Acceleration day! We will send you a coupon code in your Acceleration Day confirmation email!

How would it feel if you could tune your healing processes to your client’s body, to their Natural Number, making it easier to attract, astound, and heal your clients?

Differentiate your practice….

Integrate our powerful tools into what you already offer

Create a body-based understanding between you and your client

Connect and Know your clients, resulting in accelerated focused and powerful impact


Ready to get started? Join us!

Claim your seat to our
Body of 9 Acceleration Day!

Register to Attend

Accelerate Your Impact

Online Instructive Class

October 8th
from 7:00am – 10:00 am MDT held on Zoom

4 ICF CCEs or Montana CEUs are available!

Body of 9 Co-Founder
Susan Bennett Fisher 

In starting her coaching, leadership and relationship training Susan hit up against the wall that many practitioners encounter.  “I was having trouble starting new coaching relationships and also having trouble differentiating myself from other trained coaches.  As part of my Leadership training I was introduced to what has become Body of 9.  Learning my Natural Number explained everything I loved about myself, that no one else seemed to understand and it started an evolutionary journey that I am still on today. The power and importance of this understanding landed in my body and the calling to be a teacher, speaker, leader of Body of 9 was born. Now I love meeting new people and creating powerful transformative relationships!” 

Susan Bennett Fisher

Frequently Asked Questions

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