Natural Numbers

Natural Number 1 (NN1)
Acceptance, Appreciation and Connection
NN1s enable people to feel their connection to something larger than themselves. With soft, receptive eyes, a person with NN1 takes in the person before them and helps them to feel connected to source or spirit energy. Each person engaged in the exchange begins to feel and honor the beauty and vulnerability of the person in front of them. When in connection with NN1, you feel the beauty, importance and purity of others.
NN1s know that we all deserve to be treated fairly and equally. They honor and respect all beings. This ability to help others feel honored and respected helps them to know that they have value. It creates a starting place, a sense of value, once connected to source or spirit energy humanity is ready to move and change from a place of honoring and equality. Hear Drew’s story of being a NN1.

Natural Number 2 (NN2)
Relationships, Engagement, Movement
NN2 is creates connection through a relationship to the magic in others. It is a merging with another, attuning with our whole being to the body of another person for the joy of connection alone. This ability to engage enables NN2s to choose when and how to move through the world. They meet whoever they encounter exactly where they are and can match or mirror the person in front of them, easily creating connection. When active, they make the people around them more aware of each other and can impact the interaction and connection without even speaking. There is no competition in the interaction. This creates a healing connection that enables the NN2 to help others to know who they are and what they are not seeing in themselves. Hear from Armella as she shares her experience of learning she is a NN2.

Natural Number 3 (NN3)
Inspiration, Drive, and Focus
NN3s focus beyond the personality into the soul. By sharing their own soul-activating energy, they create a profound connection that inspires each person to be their best, to focus on what matters, and moves them to action. They have joyful souls to lead them, which allows them to be beautiful and full of life. NN3s help us to activate our most inspiring and inspired self, readying us for action that is in alignment with the soul’s path. NN3s also use this amazing ability to focus on the world around them, lending intense focus to wherever they put their attention. Nolita found out she was a NN3 on her quest to grow as a person, read her story.

Natural Number 4 (NN4)
Alignment, Authenticity, and Deep Connection
NN4s know how to go inside to what they sometimes call the “infinite universe within”. They bring their focus to the area of the lower abdomen, expanding the abdominal muscles out and holding them relaxed which brings their attention inward. With each breath in and out they drop down deeper and deeper into this part of the body. In this space of deep connection, NN4s help others come into alignment with themselves, to feel who they are in the moment. This alignment provides a sense of well-being and clarity of self. NN4s will talk about “the bubble” – a place of active acceptance. When they include others or a community within this space, whoever is included can feel the deep intimacy created by their timeless and infinite connection to self. As a NN4, Maribeth knows that to truly connect with others, you must also connect with yourself, read her story.

Natural Number 5 (NN5)
Experience, Knowledge, and Understanding
NN5s move from the top and back of the head. Their bodies are loose and relaxed as if suspended from the head. When they make a connection out from the top of the head, they open their awareness to the spiritual connections of everything. They build dynamic frameworks of what they know, using information they gather from experience, knowledge, intuition, reading people, to make intuitive leaps in their understanding. They use these frameworks for guidance, to predict outcomes, and to build possible scenarios. They help us to know what we know and what we don’t know, to build on what we know and to create a starting point for forward movement. They are unattached to their understanding, changing and adapting as new information appears, resulting in new scenarios and new guidance. Through their ability to map human knowledge, they create understanding for the world around them. Jamie cherishes this knowledge of her NN5, read her story why.

Natural Number 6 (NN6)
Significance, Aliveness, Action
NN6s use the chest like a drum, expanding the rib cage and lifting the sternum. This expansion and tension allows the chest to vibrate and sense the energy present in the moment. People of NN6 observe the world around them, assess what they have learned, and will share that wisdom to move community forward on the most alive path. NN6 feels the presence of energy in the world and translates it into a plan, into movement. From here, they are able to know what is the next right action and energize the community toward that action. They need input from all the other Natural Numbers to develop a full and complete sense of what is on path and true, unifying the unique skills and abilities of all the Natural Numbers in the Body of 9. Hear from skeptic Rydell, and how he learned he was a NN6.

Natural Number 7 (NN7)
Change, Honesty, and Possibility
NN7s help us to see what within us or around us needs to change. They are open to the possibility that lies within the unknown. They can identify what currently is not in this reality that needs to be a part. By creating a stillness at their energy center, they quiet the minds’ chatter, creating space to see new possibilities. They live in a world without boundaries, open to infinite options without structure or limit. They see the uniqueness of each individual, and see a possibility for each person that is not necessarily obvious to them. NN7s so love the world and are truly committed to showing us the greater vision of what could be. They want to move us forward toward this grander vision and possibility for humanity. They are often willing to risk anything in the process of moving humanity toward that vision. For Paolo a NN7, discovering the nine Natural Numbers offered a new, intriguing, and powerful way to be curious, read his story.

Natural Number 8 (NN8)
Integrity, Safety, and Trust
NN8s initiate their movement from the lower back or sacrum. They connect down into the earth from the sacrum, directing the bottom of the sacrum down toward the earth, drawing energy up from the earth and energizing all the cells of their body. They are highly aware of all aspects of their bodily functions, sensations and physical experiences. Active NN8s can connect the dots between point A and point B. They know what is needed next to move something forward, and how to take a good idea and create what is needed. They understand and respect natural human boundaries, often staying an arms length away until invited closer. They teach respect and body integrity: how to listen to our bodies, follow what our body guides us to do, create safety, attend to the critical details, and to move when the body is ready. As a result of this body readiness, they are able to respond quickly in a crisis situation and are often the first ones to move into action when needed. Kyla shares her experience of being a NN8.

Natural Number 9 (NN9)
Harmony, Integration and Balance
NN9s use their breath to move in harmony and inter-connectedness with all that is. They use it to expand their awareness and to synchronize their breath, being and body to the world around them. This creates a feeling of fluidity and inclusion. NN9s can see how everything is held together in oneness with all else. This fluidity allows movement and action, and NN9s know to use the exact amount of power needed to cause change. They are very efficient in their use of energy to create alignment, balance, and to prepare for the next movement.
NN9s often talk about how they move experiences in their life to completion by metabolizing the energy in their body. They understand they must release it out for it to be available again. They help to bring completeness and closure to the transformation process so that it can start anew. As a NN9 Rhonda sees the importance of empathy and respect in the world, read her story.
The Body of 9 Promise and Guarantee:
- You will be seen, heard, and honored in a new way
- You will experience yourself more clearly and deeply
- You will understand how you fit-in to the bigger picture
Over time:
- You will be happier, more confident, self-accepting, and in alignment
- You will begin to see, use and share your innate gifts consciously
- You will appreciate others better and have more conscious choice in your life and relationships
And if these things are not true for you, we are happy to refund the money you invested in yourself.