Annika NE5 Testimonial snippet

“Thank you so much for Body of 9. I loved so much of your writing on the website.

Thank you for sharing your gifts and insights with the world. I love these tools you have taught me, and I look forward to our ongoing connection and all it might bring!”

Annika, Natural Number 5

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The importance of Hugging
The Importance of Hugging

The Importance of Hugging

Understanding Hugging In this time of post-pandemic one of the primary things that people have been missing is the comfort of human contact, and in particular hugging! Hugging provides reassurance, connection, acknowledgment and affection all in a simple act. If I...

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Oscar Predictions for Biopics
Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Using Natural Number Identification we can predict who will get an Oscar for performance in a Biopic and which ones are unlikely to succeed. It’s quite simple. If the actor has the same Natural Number as the person being depicted, then they are 100% more likely to...

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