Carrie – Natural Number 3

Carrie - Natural energy 3Wow!  It was also very timely that you read my energy last year. I love it and it feels so right and effortless for me to have enabled deep connections amongst my family, just in time for me to really use it to it full potential with the passing of my father. Thanks so much for your comment on my post about my fathers death and how a Natural Number 3 might deal with it. I can’t tell you how much it has helped me the past few days. Having permission to smile at this time is liberating and definitely plays to my strength. I’ve spent the last year anticipating his death, it wasn’t unexpected at all, not for me. During this time I’ve been able to help my mum and brother to connect with him, which they wouldn’t have done without my magical power, which I believe is all part of my Natural Number 3. You’ve helped me a lot by identifying my super power! I just wanted to say thank you. Lots of love and joy!

Carrie Natural Number 3

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