Drew – Natural Number 1

We had the good fortune to meet Drew at Burning Man 2016. He came by the camp and we had a very nice connection when I identified his Natural Number 1. Drew came back in 2017 to get his best friend identified, and to tell us a bit about the impact. We recently got an email from him that we would like to share because it talks about the impact for Drew:
Drew Thompson Natural Number 1

“I’ve been thinking a lot about my experience with you guys at Burning Man this year, since being back. It’s been great to have a new language with which to talk to Matt, my friend that I brought. And, as you know, us being both 1s, we love words 🙂 I have also been very cognizant of keeping my throat open, eyes soft, and to make more eye contact. I don’t think I realized how little eye contact I have made with people. And it’s powerful.

So…when I said goodbye you said with a laugh, almost off the cuff, “now, go off and find some wonderful women and make them happy” which was cute and funny. It was, however, somewhat odd given that you didn’t even know that I was single. We didn’t hardly talk about women in my life at all. Five minutes passed, and a gorgeous woman says to me as I walk by “hey handsome, you like you need some wine.” We hit it off right away. Anway, fast forward to right now (a month later) and she is sitting next to me and I’m over at her place for 5 days in Denver to visit her. I have a lot to learn from her and, I feel, a lot to teach.

I left your camp on an incredible high. I was supremely confident, happy, and balanced. I went out for the night with my people, 100% sober, and everyone around me, who was far, far from that, couldn’t even tell because I was so full of energy and life. There was a lot of walking up to strangers and having great conversations. Matt even said, “Wow man, that was really smooth!” So, I’m trying to ride this wave and make it more consistent.

And I’ll always be grateful for what you’ve given me. Your words you said to me when you showed me source, what I can help people see, when we looked into each others’ eyes and cried, “now, go and make the world a better place; it’s what I expect of you” have been my mantra. I’ve been thinking about that moment a lot. It’s already what I do, helping people; I just have new tools to do it.”

Click here or more information on Natural Number 1

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Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Using Natural Number Identification we can predict who will get an Oscar for performance in a Biopic and which ones are unlikely to succeed. It’s quite simple. If the actor has the same Natural Number as the person being depicted, then they are 100% more likely to...

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