Do you want to know yourself better?
Be seen? Be heard?
It’s time to get Identified and
learn your Natural Number.
Learn more about what this means and join us for the free online event:
Know Your Super Power: Learn Your Natural Number
The Body of 9 Identification process uncovers your nature.
The abilities, talents, skills, and gifts that came with your body at birth.
Because this physical aspect of our human nature is not well understood, or a part of our generally accepted ideas of ourselves, the presentation of this new reality about your body is powerful, eye-opening, and deeply affirming.
What is Body of 9?
Body of 9 is a body-based “enneagram”. We’re continually informed by our physical bodies through the 9 distinct regions in each of our bodies. We’re each born with one region that’s activated at birth. This active region is what we call our Natural Number.
At a glance, we can tell what your number is. Through your posture, body type, how you physically express yourself. And once you get your Natural Number (and those of the people around you) you’ll get so much more out of yourself, and your relationships – personal, social, familial, professional.
Why is knowing my Natural Number important?
Being made aware of your Natural Number, you will have a new and improved ability to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts you’ve been given. You will understand your fundamental thinking, actions, and beliefs built into your body. You will begin to see yourself and others in a new light from an open perspective.
Why is it better than a personality quiz?
Your Natural Number is the YOU and the MORE you’ve always wanted to know; an extraordinary tool for living a life of greater freedom, clarity, and purpose. By identifying your own operating system, you’ll have a new and improved ability to understand yourself and others and use this new awareness to share your natural skills and gifts with the world.

“We’re continually informed by our bodies.”
-Susan Bennett Fisher
At this event, we will Identify the Natural Number of 2-3 participants. We will give an overview of what Body of 9 is, and then give you a first-hand experience witnessing the process as we work with two or three participants. Participants who will be identified during the event will apply for a scholarship to receive this free identification, a $198 value.
Hosted by Body of 9 Co-Founders
Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher
Susan and Martin Fisher are pioneers in the study and research into the 9 Natural Numbers. With over thirty years of combined research and experience with Body of 9, their work has led to many new discoveries and a deeper understanding of the importance, power and impact of knowing your Natural Number and learning to consciously use this aspect of your body. Since 2012, Susan and Martin Fisher have been working together to identify over 7500 people from around the world and to build and share the understanding of how the Body of 9 shows up in so many aspects of human experience.
They understand how special and powerful this knowledge is and believe in sharing it with anyone who wants to know.

If you enjoy taking personality quizzes to learn more about yourself,
Body of 9 will take you to a whole new level.
Gain a New Perspective
Understand your body
Learn how you interact
Build on your self-confidence
Learn about Body of 9 and yourself at the free upcoming event:
Know Your Super Power: Learn Your Natural Number
Apply to get Identified for free at the event!
Up to 3 people will be selected to be identified during the event!
Apply to get identified during the event (a $198 value) and experience the awakening that follows Natural Number awareness. This will allow other attendees to view an identification session LIVE and watch how Susan and Martin can identify a person’s Natural Number (active region) by their physical attributes!
“By identifying your own operating system, you’ll have a new and improved ability to understand yourself and others.”
-Martin Fisher
Register for the event
Pick the day you want to join us! The event is limited to 15 registrants.