The seven Chakras have seven colors. Starting with the primary rainbow colors, Body of 9 discovered, based on mathematical progression, that green is actually the color for AE 9 and cyan for AE 3, and AE 6 is a combination of green and cyan, a blue green.

To determine what the colors corresponded to which energy we started with the Rainbow colors:
8 Red: #FF0000
4 Orange: #FF7F00
2 Yellow: #FFFF00
6 Green: #00FF00
1 Blue: #0000FF
7 Indigo: #4B0082
5 Violet: #8F00FF
We looked at the relationship of the numerical values were used to generate the triads that we know: red, orange, yellow. Then we used that mathematical progression to find the blue-green and cyan for 6 and 3, and to adjust the indigo and violet. We assigned Green to 9 as it is lower in the body as are 8 and 1.
8: #FF0000 (255,0,0)
4: #FF7F00 (255,127,0)
2: #FFFF00 (255,255,0)
9: #00FF00 (0,255,0)
6: #00FF7F (0,255,127)
3: #00FFFF(0,255,255)
1: #0000FF (0,0,255)
7: #7F00FF (127,0,255)
5: #FF00FF (255,0,255)
The green color for AE 9 effectively masks the cyan, AE 3 and blue green, AE 6, which might explain why AE 3 and AE 6 are not seen separately in the rainbow and become combined into one Chakra in the seven Chakra system.
We started with 1, blue, at the top and rotate around 1-9. The circle that contains the 9 points symbolizes what they all create together.
Our new logo is a simpler variant, with a slight change of colors for aesthetic and readability reasons.