Alissa Meechan

Michele Lewis

Soul Shine Specialist

Body of 9 Apprentice

Natural Number 9

My name is Michele Lewis and I am a Natural Number 9. I discovered Body of 9 in the fall of 2022 through a Facebook friend. She was so excited and I became intrigued. I started by watching the Body of 9 YouTube channel and I read one of the books while trying to identify myself to no avail. Susan and Martin invited me to be identified through one of the replies to my comments. It has been a life-changing decision for my family and I.

As a Soul Shine Specialist, I work with you to unlock your light and shine it into the world. Each of us has a light to shine. Some are bright like the sun, others are soft like the moon. Some sparkle and some feel like laser beams. Often in life, we get an idea of what shining looks like and we attempt to emulate that. It could be the way a favorite teacher lit up a room or how our parents demonstrated shining. In reality, we came with a design on how our light was meant to shine. Trauma and these beliefs we acquired while watching others dim our own light and gifts. Body of 9 gives us great insight into the way our light is meant to shine.

Through my work as a Soul Shine Specialist, I will work with you to uncover your light, learn about your light, and ultimately shine your light.


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