Wish you had a guide for building a relationship with your children and your other family members?
Sign Up for Our FREE Webinar to learn more!

What’s in it for you?
Come to the webinar to…
Come learn tricks to build stronger, better, more fulfilling relationships
Get tips on how you can ask for support and give support
Learn exercises and practices you can do to communicate better and understand your family members
Learn the different types of Natural Numbers in families
Once you understand your Natural Number, learning about the Natural Numbers of people in your family can create powerful growth.
Body of 9 offers a context for understanding why and how this is true, and a path for making our relationships easier, more connected and engaged, and more authentic.
Sign Up for Our FREE Webinar to learn how you and your family operate!
Who will the webinar be with?
Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher, Co-Founders of Body of 9, are fun and dynamic speakers, experts and thought leaders in Body of 9. Together they offer 26 years study and research into the physiological presentation of our bodies, distilling detailed knowledge from their research on how our bodys are active in one of nine regions.
Join Susan and Martin Fisher to find out how Natural Numbers relate and affect each other in families. Find out how you can learn to support others and ask for the kind of support that you need. It is a rare adult who can reflect back on their youth and feel that they were wholly seen and understood by their family members. What if you could shift your perspective on life-long behavior patterns, and create new inter-Natural Number dynamics.

What is Body of 9?
Know your Body
The Body of 9 system offers a simple, physical way to recognize and classify personality and character, and understand how each of us communicates with, and relates to ourselves, each other and the world.
A New Experience
Numbers tell the truth. And each of us has one, from 1 to 9. A number that’s the key to who we are, how we think, react, act, interact, receive and give information, and present ourselves.
We’re all different, and with the Body of 9 system, we can reveal those innate differences, and learn to resolve them, bringing us closer together.
Your Life - Expanded
9 Regions, each with their own
Natural Number

Don’t you wish you could know how your family members operate? Sign Up for Our FREE Webinar to learn how!