Optimization versus Transformation

What is Optimization versus Transformation?

There are a lot of programs out there and a lot of talk about transformation and enlightenment by people that claim they can help you transform and become enlightened. But what do those words truly mean? Most people define transformation as having a powerful experience where you do not feel the same after the experience, where you have realization or learning that changes your perception of yourself and the world around you.

This kind of experience is more accurately called optimization – it results from creating experiences that enhance your awareness of yourself, offering a deeper understanding of your core being, making you a more effective you. Sometimes these powerful experiences are sustainable, but more often than not, you return to your previous state of awareness with some memory of something that is possible for you. This is what most transformational programs are offering – they are offering the possibility that you will know and heal yourself using the process they are offering.

We at Body of 9 define transformation differently – transformation is an orthogonal and permanent shift in how you experience yourself and the world around you, opening your perception to more than was previously available and expanding your conscious awareness. You can never return to the state you were in before the transformation – it is like going from a worm(yes I meant worm, not caterpillar) to a butterfly – nothing is the same as before and there is no going back.

So what creates true transformation? At Body of 9 we have discovered a body-based transformation process that is based on the 9 Natural numbers, the activation of the 9 centers and the expansion of our physical and spiritual awareness. Pythagoras talks about 5 groupings of 9 numbers expressed as 1-5,2-6, 3-7, 9. We have discovered the power and significance of this sequence. It is the sequence of transformation as defined in our bodies – in how our “Earth Suits” are equipped and activated.

At Body of 9 we teach the body awareness needed to work through the transformation process and we shepherd teachers and healers through their transformation process that enables them to heal their own trauma and create their own paradigm shifting transformation that leads to a new awareness, filled with peace and understanding, connection and love, joy and purpose, authenticity and realness, harmony and unity.

Do you have a sense of something, as yet undefined, that is possible for you, and for humanity. Do you harbor great hope for our future? Are you looking for a light to guide you on your personal journey? We have a possibility, a transformational experience, as a way that you can take yourself on your transformational journey to be that light for yourself and for others. Body of 9 is not about us telling you what and how to do or be. It is a system of enlightenment that provides you with the keys to your own transformational experience. Are you ready? We are looking for those of you who have a call deep inside of you, that are not afraid of what is possible, and that know that the way we are doing it now is not the way for the future.

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