Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Using Natural Number Identification we can predict who will get an Oscar for performance in a Biopic and which ones are unlikely to succeed. It’s quite simple. If the actor has the same Natural Number as the person being depicted, then they are 100% more likely to get recognized for their performance, and the movie is much more likely to do well with fans.

While Natural Number is not widely known or understood, our bodies recognize the truth in the casting when the Natural Number of the actor matches the character. Whether it’s a Biopic or a show about a book we have read, or any time we have created a sense of the character ahead of time, our attachment to the presentation of the character has an unconscious bias based on our bodies attachment of Natural Number to the character. When it doesn’t match, we experience discomfort.

Even the best of actors cannot overcome our bodies’ awareness of the match or mis-match of actor and character. And even if there is a similar look, if it is not based in the Natural Number matching, it is not as believable, and hence harder to suspend disbelief.

When we are a fan of the character, we want an inside view into who they are on the more personal side that is offered by a biopic. When there is no natural energetic and movement match, rather just an attempt to mimic, it can be disturbing. It forces us to release our sense of the character and substitute the new person. In the cases where the new actor is able to be interesting enough, we will allow the character change, but it is no longer a Biopic, just a story well-acted.

Our knowledge and understanding of Natural Number in others while not yet societally conscious still has a large impact on how we respond to others. In the case of trying to accurately depict an historic character, matching Natural Number is essential.

Here are some examples of what we are talking about:

In the film Bohemian Rhapsody Rami Malek, Natural Number 1 was cast as Freddie Mercury, also Natural Number 1. His ability to fully take-on the energy, movement, and ethos of Freddie Mercury was rooted in the match of their Natural Numbers. Malek didn’t have to be anything but himself – being like Freddie Mercury was already built into his being and his body. He was completely accepted by the band, Mercury’s family and is now as deeply rooted in public awareness and acceptance as Freddie Mercury. And he won an Oscar and the film was widely accepted and enjoyed.

Let’s compare this to the Elton John film that came out shortly after that, Rocketman. In this case the Natural Numbers of Elton John and the actor chosen to portray him did not match. Taron Egerton has Natural Number 1 and Elton John has Natural Number 2. While Taron has a beautiful voice, the diction, pace, and movement makes us uncomfortable when we are asked to suspend disbelief and accept him in Elton’s place. He has soft eyes, his body stays balanced from his throat. Even though he tries to mimic Elton’s movement, he keeps going back to this throat, especially in the big-moments in performance. His acting doesn’t feel as genuine.

Here is a youtube video where you can see this happening. Taron’s Natural Number 1 ness is really evident in the opening singing when he allows his nature to come through – so beautiful, but not Elton John’s timing, countenance or presence. As it moves into the images from the movie, it gets more uncomfortable and unbelieveable. Notice how your body responds as you watch this:

In this video, they are singing side by side. Elton has a breathy voice that emanates from his upper abdomen. Where Taron sings with a much higher and more clearly enunciated voice that is powered in his throat. He sings with a different cadence. It’s beautiful and you can see them engaging with each other. But in this video you can see how fundamentally different they are. Their relationship is lovely, but not because Taron is believable as Elton.

The third example of note is the movie Walk the line with Joaquin Phoenix, Natural Number 1, playing Johnny Cash, Natural Number 6, and Rheese Witherspoon, Natural Number 1 playing June Carter, Natural Number 1. Jaoquin Phoneix does a good job in imitating Cash’s expressions, but it is not believable or comfortable. He lacks the genuine power and intensity of Johnny Cash’s Natural Number 6ness. Witherspooin on the other hand was fully beleiveable and comfortable to us in her role with matching the Natural Number 1 of June Carter. Witherspoon received an Oscar for this performance. The movie got mixed reviews for a number of reasons. One being the mismatch of energy between Phoenex and Cash. But also – we do not see people of the same Natural Number coupling up in the world, so when you match actors with the same Natural Number in love matches, they can lack the spark that is there in the contrasting Natural Numbers, and are less believable. Natural Number 6 and 1 make a dynamic and heartfelt energetic cycling this was present in the Cash-Carter relationship, but not in the Phoenix-Withserspoon combination, no matter how well acted.

I recently heard that Shailene Woodly is planning to play Janis Joplin in an upcoming Biopic. Janis Joplin has Natural Number 2 and Shailene Woodly has Natural Number 9. This means that she is unlikely to be able to offer the natural and easy engagement that Janis brought to her fans and her music. Natural Number 9 has the neutral face that can be similar to the neutral Natural Number 2 face. But the Natural Number 2 engaged expression of activation is hard for a Natural Number 9 to generate. Also the movement match can be a challenge, the Natural Number 9 lean into the back, move with fluidity. The open wide upper chest does not match the mid-body shimmy, forward moving engaged gestures of Natural Number 2.

Even if Shailene gets a great movement coach, and even if she learns to activate her Natural Number 2 center, she will not be as comfortably believable to Janis Joplin fans. This means that it is highly unlikely that she will receive great recognition for the role. I would love to see Jodie Comer in this role as she shares Natural Number 2 with Janis Jopin!

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