Penni Blythe’s Thoughts on Natural Number 7

Penni Blythe natural Energy 7

Penni Blythe, Natural Number 7, has been studying and exploring the Natural Numbers for over 15 years. Recently we visited Penni in England and worked with her in the postures of the 9 Natural Numbers. It became clear that Penni has found a way to activate the Body of 9 in her body. From her original study, and in being in contact with Body of 9, reading our book and applying curiosity and practice, she has found a way to embody each of the Natural Numbers. This is very exciting.

Penni had a good deal of physical experience with the Natural Numbers in the early years when studying with New Equations. But she stopped studying with that community well before we realized that we could 1) learn to activate the other Natural Numbers in our bodies and 2) understand how to teach another person to activate a Natural Number in their body and 3) know that the ability to activate the Natural Numbers in the body at will is a pre-requisite to being able to recognize the qualities of the Natural Numbers in the world around you, and there-by identify another person’s Natural Number accurately.

Penni made the following comment on what she could now see and notice in a different way – the quality of the eyes of Natural Number 7. This type of new “seeing” is what starts to happen as a person learns to embody the other Natural Numbers. We don’t have an explanation for it, it is just what happens. Once the Natural Numbers are available to us in our bodies we begin to see their presence in the world around us much more clearly.

“December now…. following on from the Natural Number 7 On-line Video call, 11/13/17 and from subsequent time spent with the 7s Pinterest pictures (Women and Men)…. The images have struck me at another level.

Whilst I know (from the inside) our 7 ‘look’. I’m suddenly blown away by deeper experience of our face, specifically our eyes. I ‘see’ more clearly the impact of our gaze on/ to others.

I see in these photos how we are inward and outward at the same moment. It’s almost possible to see through our eyes, to ‘fall into them’ yet at the same time not. There’s a clearness/ clarity. At the same time I’ve really got to experience how others can feel 7s are seeing something others can’t fathom.

Here’s the truth – we are…..”

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