Penni Blythe NE7 Testimonial

“I have known my Natural Number for over 15 years. Discovering this in and of me was one of the most seminal moments of my life and has impacted me, my living and being ever since. There are few days that go by without me being conscious about how this knowledge sits in me. When I am able to feel the full connection of this it enables me to engage more fully in the world, brings me an incredible sense of peace and possibility.”

Penni NE7

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The importance of Hugging
The Importance of Hugging

The Importance of Hugging

Understanding Hugging In this time of post-pandemic one of the primary things that people have been missing is the comfort of human contact, and in particular hugging! Hugging provides reassurance, connection, acknowledgment and affection all in a simple act. If I...

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Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Oscar Predictions for Biopics

Using Natural Number Identification we can predict who will get an Oscar for performance in a Biopic and which ones are unlikely to succeed. It’s quite simple. If the actor has the same Natural Number as the person being depicted, then they are 100% more likely to...

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