Fundamentals of the Natural Numbers

Fundamentals of the Natural Numbers is a 27-Week online interactive experience designed to teach you about all nine Natural Numbers. You will learn about yourself and the innate gifts and strengths that come with your Natural Number. You will learn about the other eight Natural Numbers how they are fundamentally different and equally important. You will learn to know and value yourself and the contribution that is built into you. You will develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of the other Natural Numbers, enhancing your ability to communicate and be with others.

These are 1-hour in-person online study zoom calls held on Mondays at 2pm MT, 1pm PT and 4pm ET on Zoom.


This program is Level 1 in our Practicing Partner Program. You can learn more about the levels here.


You’re invited to join the calls for your Natural Number! (FOR FREE)

Join us each Monday when we cover your Natural Number.  The next step after learning your Natural Number is understanding the differences between your nature and your nurture – your Natural Number’s’ skills, gifts, and abilities versus your life experiences. This enables you to more powerfully understand and use your Natural Number. You presence also teaches all of us more about your Natural Number to better support you and others like you.

It is a chance for you to learn more about yourself, and explore the gifts that come with your Natural Number. We meet once weekly on zoom for three sessions. You may attend any or all of the sessions if you purchase the full program, or you may attend for FREE for your Natural Number.

Natural Number 1

Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 1 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN1-certification at check out!


Natural Number 2

Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 2 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN2-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 3

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 3 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN3-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 4

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 4 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN4-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 5

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 5 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN5-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 6

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 6 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN6-certification at check out!



    Natural Number 7

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 7 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN7-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 8

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 8 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN8-certification at check out!


    Natural Number 9

    Please click the date and register for the classes to receive the Zoom classroom link! If you have Natural Number 9 you may attend this event for FREE use code NN9-certification at check out!