by Susan Fisher | Jun 7, 2016 | Snippets
“I wanted to write and tell you how much our session last year meant to me. I have thought of your insights, kind words and advice on an almost daily basis. Thanks for the advice and the invitations to the groups. I’ve been thinking a lot about your...
by Susan Fisher | Jun 7, 2016 | Snippets
“Thank you for reaching out and sharing this wonderful gift with me. I think of you from time to time and when I do I remember to assume the posture. I need to remember to tap in on a regular basis. I do believe that it works and if done consistently I know that...
by Susan Fisher | Jun 7, 2016 | Snippets
“I have known my Natural Number for over 15 years. Discovering this in and of me was one of the most seminal moments of my life and has impacted me, my living and being ever since. There are few days that go by without me being conscious about how this knowledge...
by Susan Fisher | Jun 7, 2016 | Snippets
“A deep thank you for the important, inspiring, and innovative work you do. Last evening was terrific. My heart/chest began humming as soon as we began introductions. You two are intuitive and sensitive and respectful. Thank you for sharing your gifts.”...
by Susan Fisher | Jun 7, 2016 | Snippets
“Thank you so much for Body of 9. I loved so much of your writing on the website. Thank you for sharing your gifts and insights with the world. I love these tools you have taught me, and I look forward to our ongoing connection and all it might bring!”...
by Susan Fisher | Jun 1, 2016 | Natural Number 5, Testimonials
Feed back from Annika N. Natural Number 5 (NE5) on her experience with Body of 9: “Thank you so much for this. I loved so much of your writing, and want to tell you that since our skype session, where we talked about Natural Number 5 practices, I’ve been...