Jeff Natural, Energy 4

I want to thank you for setting me on a path that has led to a more fulfilling and less stressful life. You and Martin broke my self-imposed log jam and got me moving toward what is really important to me. Jeff, Natural Number 4
Sue Miller – Natural Number 5

Sue Miller – Natural Number 5

I am FASCINATED and INTRIGUED by your work and the solid power of the energy when activated. I also enjoy the curiosity that is generated and especially the safety and security of the container you create in your interactions. Sue Miller – Natural Number...

Mina – Natural Number 6

Thanks for the identification Susan and Martin! I’m so grateful you two came into my life. Your reading had a profound impact. I had a huge breakthrough thanks to you for all the work that you did on me that day at BM! Things have been much better. I’m...

Penni, Natural Number 7

Body of 9, through their work, social media sites and writing are an invaluable resource in: Helping me understand my particular Natural Number, expanding the conversation and understanding about my Natural Number and giving me continuing insight into the other...

Kyla, Natural Number 8

You and Martin are delivering a gift. It’s so interesting because it is hard to verbalize, especially to talk about a Natural Number that is not your own.   It’s like you guys are opening the right door to the right room for everyone, and from there,...