Family Session
One look. One number.
One simple way to have better relationships in your family.
Imagine knowing the conflicts, challenges and obstacles you and your children face now and in the next 2, 5, 10 years. And knowing how to address and resolve them.
Natural Number doesn’t repeat in families (unless there are more than 9 people) – this means you are all different from each other. We each have a number between 1 and 9 which is the key to your character: how you each receive and express information, your strengths and weaknesses, and emotional needs.
Using the Body of 9 system, we can identify that number at a glance, by how you sit, stand, carry yourselves. Once you know your famlies’ numbers, we’ll help you deepen your understanding and appreciation of each other, improve how you parent and relate to your children. From newborn to toddler to tween to teen.
- a 75 minute family session (online over Zoom, or in-person if you live in Bozeman, MT) with Body of 9 Co-Founders Susan and Martin Fisher. In this 90 minute Zoom call. Susan and Martin will give you an overview of the system, work with you to identify everyone’s Natural Numbers and talk with you about what this means for each of you individually and as a family. (Up to 5 total participants – for larger groups contact us.)
- a step-by-step guide on activating your numbers for each person
- a detailed description of the physical attributes, skills and gifts associated with all your numbers
- a recording of your Identification session
Know, Love and Respect each other more deeply
What will happen in your Session?

Full introduction
to Body of 9

Identification of all your Numbers

Overview of your
Numbers and traits

activation guides for each
After you purchase your virtual session, watch for an email from us. Your receipt will have information on how to book your zoom call. Once scheduled, you will receive another email to prepare you for the next step in the identification process!
One look. One number.
One simple way to be a better mom (or dad).

The Body of 9 Promise and Guarantee:
- You will be seen, heard, and honored in a new way
- You will experience yourself more clearly and deeply
- You will understand how you fit-in to the bigger picture
Over time:
- You will be happier, more confident, self-accepting, and in alignment
- You will begin to see, use and share your innate gifts consciously
- You will appreciate others better and have more conscious choice in your life and relationships
And if these things are not true for you, we are happy to refund the money you invested in yourself.

Other Session Types

Couples Session
One 60 minute session
Your Numbers are not the same.
What does this means for your relationship? Create a pathway to understanding and connection. Build a deep, fulfilling relationship by understanding your partner’s body-based perspective.

Individual Session
One 45 minute session
Meet with Susan and Martin Fisher to find out your Number.This is the right/left-handedness of your personality, your way of being that is built into you. You will begin to see yourself and others in a new light.

Follow-Up Session
One 45 minute Follow-up Personal Coaching Session
With Susan and Martin Fisher you will dive deeper into what your Number means, and how to use it consciously in your day-to-day life.
Purchase with your first session for a special gift!