by Susan Fisher | Mar 12, 2025 | Discussion, Hero Content
I recently took a knitting class called Yarn Alchemy from a truly inspiring designer name Joji Locatelli. Joji is a lovely Natural Number 3 (although she doesn’t know this yet!), a knitting designer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. An ironic twist is she began the...
by Susan Fisher | Oct 7, 2024 | Discussion, Hero Content
Understanding Hugging In this time of post-pandemic one of the primary things that people have been missing is the comfort of human contact, and in particular hugging! Hugging provides reassurance, connection, acknowledgment and affection all in a simple act. If I am...
by Susan Fisher | Sep 19, 2024 | Discussion, Hero Content
Using Natural Number Identification we can predict who will get an Oscar for performance in a Biopic and which ones are unlikely to succeed. It’s quite simple. If the actor has the same Natural Number as the person being depicted, then they are 100% more likely to get...
by Susan Fisher | Aug 21, 2024 | Blog, Discussion, Hero Content
Finding purpose is a personal thing. And it is related to many aspects of who you are – your physical abilities, your nurture, your experience, your beliefs and of course your Natural Number. There is nuance and variation in what purpose is, how it’s defined and how...
by Susan Fisher | Oct 12, 2023 | Blog, Discussion, Hero Content
What is Optimization versus Transformation? There are a lot of programs out there and a lot of talk about transformation and enlightenment by people that claim they can help you transform and become enlightened. But what do those words truly mean? Most people define...
by Susan Fisher | Oct 12, 2023 | Blog, Discussion, Hero Content
“What do you see that you wish you didn’t?”This prompt came across my text messages today and really hit the mark about what I have been thinking about lately. I have been a student of transformation and a perpetual seeker. I am proud of myself at this point in my...