Your Posture’s Effect on Your Body

Your Posture’s Effect on Your Body

Your Posture is Critical to Accessing Your Natural Number. We have all been told to sit up straight, and many of us bemoan our poor posture. Everywhere you turn, there are resources for properly aligning your body. It turns out that the proper alignment of the body...
Why Is This Not More Obvious to All?

Why Is This Not More Obvious to All?

Contributing Factors to Why Natural Number is Not Obvious to All: Attachment and Fill-In: The following is recent knowledge of how the brain works and about how our visual ability relates to our ability to perceive what is going on around us accurately impacts our...
What’s a Natural Number?

What’s a Natural Number?

What is Your Natural Number? Your Natural Number refers to a region of your body that is born active.  This region is where your movement is centered and initiated. The activation and use of this part of the body impacts how your body develops, how your face is...