by Susan Fisher | Apr 8, 2021 | Natural Number 2, Natural Number 6, Stories
Armella’s Story Natural Number 2 It was the beginning of Burning Man, 2016, and Armella Gaines was excited. She had music to listen to, crowds of new people to interact with, and plenty of dances to join. However, one thing worried her; Gloria—her daughter—seemed...
by Susan Fisher | Apr 6, 2021 | Stories
Maribeth’s Story, NN4 Maribeth Goodman values the journey. She has always taken the time to notice where she is, where she has come from, and how the path in between those moments has become a part of who she is now. This process of reflection cannot be rushed,...
by Susan Fisher | Apr 4, 2021 | Natural Number 6, Natural Number 7, Stories
Rydell’s Story Natural Number 6 Rydell Ruff was introduced to the Body of 9 by his girlfriend, Monica—as Susan’s daughter, the Natural Numbers have been part of her life since she was young. Rydell was skeptical by nature, and unsure of what the system had to offer;...
by Susan Fisher | Apr 1, 2021 | Stories
The Big Picture Rhonda’s Story In October of 2015, Rhonda Phelps quit her job of 33 years the day after Susan and Martin identified her as a Natural Number 9. That decision marked her first step down a new life path—not only in career, but in her personal growth as...
by Susan Fisher | Sep 22, 2020 | Hero Content
What is Your Natural Number? Your Natural Number refers to a region of your body that is born active. This region is where your movement is centered and initiated. The activation and use of this part of the body impacts how your body develops, how your face is...