by Susan Fisher | Nov 30, 2013 | Discussion, Natural Number 3
Jil Windsor Jil Windsor – Baby Natural Energy 3 has a tremendous power of focus – when a Natural Energy 3 places their focus on you, and you both stay with the relationship that develops they are able to create a soul-level connection.When they tap in to...
by Susan Fisher | Aug 7, 2013 | Discussion
This was our second logo for Body of 9. It was based on three equilateral triangles overlayed on one another and rotated equally. These triangles represent how the energies are arranged triangularly in the body – 1/4/7, 3/6/9 2/5/8. The seven Chakras have seven...
by martin.fisher | Sep 10, 2012 | Discussion
In my conversations of a spiritual nature with folk about spiritual growth, I come across at least four different viewpoints. There are those who aren’t looking, and never were, there are those who were looking and have found their answer so have stopped...