Contributing Factors to Why Natural Number is not Obvious to All:
Attachment & Fill-In:
Recent knowledge of how the brain works and about how our visual ability relates to our ability to perceive what is going on around us accurately impacts our perception:
- Our vision operates much like a movie film, we take visual pictures, it take a certain amount of time for the visual image to reach the necessary part of the brain to interpret the signal – we are always essentially perceiving in the past, our brain “fills in” between the images, and fills in from memory of what was perceived earlier. This means we miss critical information, and construct our own reality/interpretation of what is going on around us. It also means it is difficult for us to perceive new things, we continually try to fill-in or make sense of new perceptions using what we already know.
- “Attachment” – human beings have attachments that cloud perception. Attachments to feelings, to being right, to pre-defined perspectives, to beliefs. When we are faced with an attachment we are easy to deceive and it is easy for us to deceive ourselves.
The combination of “attachment” and “fill-in” creates our concept of personal experience. Our egos are easily attached to “being right” or “finding the answer”, this further allows our perceptions to mis-read the signals, and mis-read the energy. On top of these issues are socio-economic norms, cultural influences, physiological and psychological illnesses that all affect how the primary energy manifests.
Belief Systems and Experience
Another level of complication is, because this is not known and recognized, the depth and significance of the differences is not appreciated, and those around us are not able to see and support the great gift of the active power center. We develop mental ideas of what we are and what we should be based on what those around us reflect back to us. The result is we rarely have a clear understanding of our innate Natural Number’s gift. This is the primary reason that self-questionnaires, like those used to determine Enneagram type, often yield a different type than the physical process for determining the active Power Center.
Another contributing factor is that nine is a complex number of variables. Natural Number does not repeat in nuclear families. It is rare to be in a group of your own Natural Number. We rarely hang-out with our own kind. The experience of seeing people of the same phsyiology side by side almost never happens. When it does, it can be mind-blowing. Think about when you have seen someone that reminds you of someone else, this usually happens when two people share Natural Number and other similar physiological traits like race, gender, coloring.
Here is an example in the photo of Susan Fisher, Natural Number 6, Co-Founder of Body of 9, and her friend Lisa Christie, Natural Number 6 – they are almost mirror images of each other:

We are interested in your perspective on this discussion as well. And any research on learning, brain activity, of any type that might shed some light on this subject would be much appreciated.
Other Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is Activating Your Natural Number Important?
What are the Practices for Presence?
How Does Make-up, Photoshop and Plastic Surgery Obscure our Natural Number?
What is the Relationship of Astrological Sign to your Natural Number?
What Happens If You Don’t Enjoy the Experience or Identify with what You have been told?
Why is this not more obvious our in the World today?
Why do people keep coming back?
Why Cultivate Your Life Force Energy?
What is Your Posture’s Effect on the Expression of your Natural Number?